Common Health Problems of Dogs to Look Out For

Just like humans, dogs too suffer from many illnesses and conditions in their life and some of these illnesses are pretty common among the animals. Let us have a look at some of the most common health problems that dogs face. Some of these illnesses are not that serious while others require an advanced level of care. 


Arthritis is common amongst dogs that are old. In this disease a dog becomes slower to get onto their feet and is less active than they usually are. It is often tough to tell if your pet dog is suffering from arthritis. Even though the disease is painful, your dog will not depict much signs. Weight control, anti-arthritic drugs and exercise can help your dog overcome the problem of arthritis. 

Ear infections

Ear infections are pretty common among dogs. More often not, dust, dirt or a foreign object can get lodged inside your dog’s ear leading your animal to become irritated and infected. When you see your dog pawing their ears a lot, you’ll realize that they have an infection. Ear drops with antibiotics are generally prescribed by your veterinary doctor in order to fight off infection.  


Cataracts are common among older dogs and affect the way they see. Sometimes, cataracts develop after the eye has undergone a traumatic experience and they can also be caused by a disease. Cataracts in dog can also be present in case the dog is first born or it can also develop in the initial few weeks of a pup’s life. 

Ticks and fleas

Fleas is something that every dog is bound to get during their lifetime. Fleas can be avoided pretty easily with the help of right medicine. Ticks are serious than fleas and can create serious health problems for your dogs, including blood poisoning and also death. 


 Diarrhea can be brought about by a range of reasons. Generally it is the result of an allergic reaction or bad food and can be cured easily but in other cases, it can become quite serious. Diarrhea can be a common system for a range of other serious illnesses.

If you own a pet dog, then it’s time to shower some extra love for them by making them famous. Flauntpet is an online portal focused on pets where you can get access to free funny dog memes and super funny dog pictures. You can also upload the same at free of cost. Gear up to click a cute and quirky image of your pet dog and submit your dog photo on Flauntpet today and stand a chance to win cool prizes! 


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