Important Tips to Keep Your Dog Hydrated This Summer

Staying hydrated at all times in the scorching heat of summers is important for us as well as our pet dogs. Dogs require three to four times the usual amount of water depending on their activity level and size. Apart from hydrating the animal, water helps in keeping your pet’s electrolytes overflowing, permitting bowel movements, digestion and circulation to work comfortably and smoothly. Water helps the kidneys of your dog in flushing out toxins from their bloodstream and promoting a good cardiovascular system. If a dog does not get enough water, it can also lead to organ failure and death.

When you dog’s activity increases or when the temperature rises, pay attention to their water intake and check for important signs of dehydration like lethargy, dry or pale gums, loss of appetite and increased heart rate. 

How to save your dog from getting dehydrated?

Keep a clean bowl of water always
It is important to ensure that the water bowl of your pet dog is always clean. A bowl that is clean will prevent any mold or bacteria from growing and getting into your dog’s body. It’s important that you keep a close eye on the water bowl level of your dog and refresh their water supply a lot of times in a day. 

Water down your dog’s food
One trick to add more water in the diet of your dog is adding a little water in the food that your dog eats. You can add water to the dry kibble to make your pet food little different and new for them and this will also serve the hydration purpose. As a treat, you can also offer you dog tiny pieces of ice.

Carry water with you
When you take your dog out for a long run, walk or play in the park, ensure that you have direct access to a portable source of water. In case you have to leave your pet alone outdoors, you also need to leave access to water and shade from excess heat. You can also choose to invest in a collapsible water bottle or bowl. 

If you love your pet dog, then you are bound to fall in love with Flauntpet. Flauntpet is a great online portal that is dedicated exclusively to pets. The portal offers you access to funny pet pictures and memes, videos and memorials. You can also submit your dog photo, memorial or video on the portal for free. Upload pet photos on Flauntpet today and get a chance to win great prizes!


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